Cluster meeting on "Financing the industry in research and development programs"

2015-05-27 12:00

Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (CAMT) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Science and Technology in Wroclaw invites you to a meeting on "Financing the industry in research and development programs", which will take place on 27 May 2015. Wroclaw in building B-4 Street. Łukasiewicza 5
The main purpose of the meeting is to present ways to finance industry within the framework of research and development projects and to enable cooperation between industry and the science sector.
Implementation of joint projects with industry and scientific institutions will benefit increase innovation of enterprises and enhance their competitiveness.
In the new funding period, the European Union will support projects implemented jointly with entrepreneurs and for entrepreneurs which will improve the innovativeness of Polish firms. It will also enable targeted research conducted at the university directly to the demands of companies in the industry.
As part of the meeting will present new opportunities for financing and implementation of projects for industry - will be discussed among other competitions Operational Programme Development of Intelligent including:

Action 1.1 "Projects business R & D"
Innovation vouchers

Will also be presented research areas, which specializes CAMT -especially:

- Systems for industry
- Modelling, simulation and optimization of production
- Automation of manufacturing processes
- Laser technologies in the production processes
- Generative technologies (3D printing) - Plastics (Rapid Prototyping)
- Generative technologies (3D printing) - metals (Rapid Prototyping)
- Reverse engineering in product development (digitization)
- Vision Systems in process monitoring and quality assessment
- CAD / CAM / CNC systems
- material research


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